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Erika Vasquez

Erika Vasquez is an attorney at Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP and focuses her practice on representing plaintiffs who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault as well as those who have suffered loss and damages as a result of utility-caused wildfires.

Ms. Vasquez has over a decade of experience representing victims of many of California’s utility-caused wildfires including the Dixie Fire, Kincade Fire, Camp Fire, Butte Fire, Powerhouse Fire, and Northern California fires as well as the Thomas Fire and San Diego Fire. Her practice in wildfires has focused primarily on the victims’ damages, including the many economic losses they’ve suffered, as well as the emotional devastation caused by the loss of life, home, possessions, and security.

As a member of the firm’s mass tort team, Ms. Vasquez also works directly with clients who are victims and survivors of sexual abuse by members of the clergy as well as those abused by Boy Scouts of America leaders and others.

Ms. Vasquez is a member of the State Bar of California and an active member of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles. She received her Juris Doctorate from California Western School of Law and graduated with honors from Florida State University.

Dedicated to the issue of foster care in America, Ms. Vasquez adopted three children from foster care and resides with her family and two dogs in San Diego, California.

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